Today, I'm Sad.

For the most part, I am a pretty positive person. My friends call me inspiring, my students call me helpful, and my mom calls me impractical. I like to always look at the bright side, always tell myself that it can be worse, and when things are bad that they too will pass. I'm full of cliches and quotes and I'm motivated by do-gooders and humanitarians. But this week, I'm sad. I'm overtired, I'm emotional, and I'm down right sad. And that's okay, because I am allowed to be sad once in a while.

Things I'm sad about this week:
1. The fact that I'm so extremely exhausted
2. Living so far away from the majority of my closest friends
3. Going to a student's mom's wake; no child should have to experience that
4. Being challenged by some pretty tough students on a daily basis
5. Weekend plans changing
6. The weather turning slowly from fall to winter
7. The fact that it's pitch dark out when I get to work in the morning
8. The news

For now, that is what I am sad about. Some obviously weigh more heavily than others. But now that they are out in the open I don't have to keep them in anymore. They are free to leave so that I can focus on those little things that I love so much, the ones that make me truly happy, and the ones that make the world go round.


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