Check One
Do you accept my apology?
My poor, poor blog. How easily I forget about you and toss you in the corner to collect dust. You cross my mind though, Blog, I often think to myself, "I need to write about that" or "there's my next blog post" and as quickly as the thought enters my jam packed mind, it disappears.
Here is my dedication, in this newly found 47 minutes I have ahead of me. I wish to keep you shiny and new, clear and sparkly. I did have a bit of a webpage snafu and fear that I've lost my followers, or rather, they've lost me. Rookie move, trying to change my URL and thinking it would automatically redirect those who had me bookmarked or tried searching for me.
I'm still here! So now, I will make my posts perhaps a little shorter, perhaps a little more focused, and I will most certainly try to make them more frequent. So- share away! Post away! Comment away! I have often found a lot of comfort and serenity in my blog, and I hope to share that with you, so please, continue the cycle.
Thanks for checking in!
My poor, poor blog. How easily I forget about you and toss you in the corner to collect dust. You cross my mind though, Blog, I often think to myself, "I need to write about that" or "there's my next blog post" and as quickly as the thought enters my jam packed mind, it disappears.
Here is my dedication, in this newly found 47 minutes I have ahead of me. I wish to keep you shiny and new, clear and sparkly. I did have a bit of a webpage snafu and fear that I've lost my followers, or rather, they've lost me. Rookie move, trying to change my URL and thinking it would automatically redirect those who had me bookmarked or tried searching for me.
I'm still here! So now, I will make my posts perhaps a little shorter, perhaps a little more focused, and I will most certainly try to make them more frequent. So- share away! Post away! Comment away! I have often found a lot of comfort and serenity in my blog, and I hope to share that with you, so please, continue the cycle.
Thanks for checking in!

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