Take Pride in How Far You Have Come
So, I might be having one of those "what am I doing with my life" days (or few days) where I decided I want to do more in my life but I'm not quite sure what. I can't tell you how much I anticipate having my own classroom and I wonder when that day will come. I picture my ideal classroom the way some girls grow up dreaming of their perfect wedding. I even imagine what my office would look like if I ever had one. Somewhere warm, cozy, and green with a fun tissue box and positive quotes and inspirational pictures framed and hung neatly on the wall or placed perfectly on a shelf. The bookcase that I can envision having in my office would be immaculate. Books would be standing up in height order, organized by category, and the cute, fun, motivational books would be stacked perfectly. In the meantime, I think about what else I can do that involves my
passions of writing, working with children, teaching, being creative, finding the positive, motivational quotes, and happiness. Can't I just create my own perfect dream job?! Why isn't it that easy?
Because, as I've said before, walls were built for us to break down. Challenges were placed for us to overcome. Setbacks were created for us to make a comeback.
Then I remember how easy it is to be negative and find faults and how hard it is to be happy in a world that at times seems so negative. So, I turn my endlessly twisting brain off and I slow down those ever-turning wheels. (A good time to recite my personal ten commandments!) I try to stop thinking and remember how grateful I am.
Everything I have done so far in my life I have learned from and often times that is the most important concept of all. I know to never give up, to never quit no matter how drained or discouraged I feel. Tomorrow is never guaranteed so today needs to be fulfilled to the best of it's potential! I do believe everyone is entitled to feeling a little blue every once in a while. That's what makes us human. But for me to sit here and worry and wonder is not productive. I need to act. I need to carry my faith with me at all times and remember it can always, always be worse. I have it easy. The places I've been, the experiences I've had will never be forgotten and need to be appreciated. I need to move forward one day at a time and slowly but surely I will find myself attaining my ultimate goals.
In yoga tonight we were led through a guided meditation and I decided that my mantra for the evening would be, "you are right where you're supposed to be." I repeated it over and over. I changed the point of view. "I am right where I'm supposed to be." I am healthy, happy, young, willing and able, positive, loving and loved, and surrounded by endlessly enchanting people. Each person that enters our life is placed there for a reason. Every obstacle is also placed there for a reason and it's in overcoming these obstacles that our true selves are revealed. It's okay to not be certain where my life will take me. It's another to get frustrated and give up. It helps that I am constantly inspired by my friends as I watch them follow their paths to success and to their dream jobs. My time will come. What's the rush? I am working towards my goals and am confident that I will get there. As for right now, in this moment, I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Because, as I've said before, walls were built for us to break down. Challenges were placed for us to overcome. Setbacks were created for us to make a comeback.
Then I remember how easy it is to be negative and find faults and how hard it is to be happy in a world that at times seems so negative. So, I turn my endlessly twisting brain off and I slow down those ever-turning wheels. (A good time to recite my personal ten commandments!) I try to stop thinking and remember how grateful I am.
I remind myself to take pride in how far I have come and to have faith in how far I can go. Faith is bigger than fear and much larger than worry. If I worry about the mountain in the distance, I will trip over the molehill right in front of me. I must take things one day at a time.

TO MY READERS: I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave some thoughts, suggestions, positive feedback or constructive criticism. If you have another way of contacting me that's not through my blog- don't be shy!
Nailed it on the head and couldn't agree with you more. Right before I read this, I was doing some writing about the same subject and thinking I need to get my blog going again. So if anything, you've inspired me tonight :). Keep on keepin on!