"And now..."

I debated with myself for a little while this morning about whether or not to go to yoga, and then reasoned that it was a beautiful day, one of those days that feels more like fall than like mid-August. In other words, the best kind of days. The sky dawned a brilliant blue with picturesque puffy cotton ball clouds sporadically  tossed throughout. I'm always in awe at how "green" everything looks throughout the spring and summer- the trees and lush grass. I was just in a good, Earth loving mood this morning and figured the best place to be was in a yoga class giving thanks for such things. It was one of the best yoga classes I have ever been to. I attend a variety of yoga classes for different reasons. Sometimes I'm in a spiritual mood and want a good lecture from a good instructor, sometimes I prefer a good stretch, and even other times I prefer a good sweat. This morning intertwined all three and left me feeling grateful. Today's lesson was all about how we can always start over. The symbolism of the sun and moon, light and day, signifies that what once was but doesn't always have to be. In other words, every morning when we wake up we have a chance at a new day with new opportunities and new chances to try our best at what lies ahead. My instructor this morning, who I adore, spoke of reality; of self indulgence, of a little guilt, and of how it is not the end of the world. There is always another new beginning to get it right, whatever "it" may be. Whether it's our diets, our attitude or mood, or our habits day to day, there is always a new day or even a new moment to change, to stop the guilt, aim higher, and focus on the present. In class this morning I also learned that the very beginning phrase in the language of yoga is, "and now the practice of yoga," meaning that yoga can only be done in the present moment. The combination of yoga and meditation as we try to put our minds at ease, breathe in the positive energy and out the negative, allows us to focus on being present in the very moment and not to think about things for later. It's a time to put aside all chores, worry, and emotions and focus our energy on the practice of yoga. What a powerful and profound opening line- "and now, the practice of yoga." The correlation between yoga and life is very encouraging. I learned this morning to approach things in my life with a steady focus, a steady mind on the present task at hand. It takes practice, but I need to not let certain things from various points in my life cloud my mind all the time. One breath at a time, one thought at a time, one task at a time. Be present. Thank you, to my yoga instructor and studio, for providing me with a sense of accomplishment, with a workout, and with new knowledge on this lovely, lovely morning. Not to mention some motivation for a new post. :)


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