There is something that I really love about the early morning. Early early morning. When the sun is still hiding but the sky is lighting up letting you know it’s going to rise any minute. The air is still, the birds sound peaceful and the world is still asleep. Although, I suppose that depends on where you are. At my home in Connecticut it’s very peaceful, I’d love to wake up and just sit on the back patio, take in the nature that surrounds me and watch the sun rise. The sky goes from dark blue to gray to light blue with that beautiful hint of pink and orange following the trace of the clouds above. I’d love to clench my coffee mug and just truly relax.
When I am in New York City the quiet isn’t as quiet, but it’s not as loud as you might expect it would be either. The sky still paints the same picture in the sky, only the hint of gray is more obvious and I suppose that’s due to the smog. There are still birds and the birds still sing a peaceful morning song. I suppose the biggest difference would be the few cars rushing by even at 5am, usually with one lone person on their way to work. In New York people work all kinds of hours at all kinds of jobs and duty may call when I want to be sitting peacefully in the first signs of daylight.
Something special about watching a sunrise is that people can do it together despite being at the same place. There is only one sun in the entire world we know, and as long as Mother Nature is on your side, things should work out no matter where you are. If one person is in New York and another in Rome, they can talk on the phone, find a place to sit and relax, and stare at the same sun, at the same time. It will look different, feel different, be at a different location in the vast sky, but it’s one sun. It’s one sun that goes up, rises, falls, repeats, and keeps us doing the same thing. Once we fall, we must only rise again.
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