Back to It

So here's the thing. I like to write, always have. But as I've become more of an adult, and priorities have taken over my life, I've lost the discipline (or perhaps desire?) to sit and write and edit and read and post. What's funny about that is that I am an English teacher by day, and much of our time in my classroom is spent writing and learning the ropes of basic English conventions and sentence structure. Better yet, when my students are stressed or facing trauma, they often come to me for advice. One of the first coping mechanisms I teach them about is journaling, often stopping at Marshalls or Target on my way home that very day to pick up a journal for a kid in need. I frequently say that I should take my own advice, and something sparked in me today to get back on here and do just that. Teaching is hard. Most people think teaching is easy- the people that have never taught think teaching is easy. Teaching is challenging, emotional, exhausting, trying, stressfu...