
I've checked something off of my year long to-do list, finally. After hemming and hawing and finding a thousand excuses and reasons not to do it, I finally did it. I signed up for a gym membership! Big deal, right? So what? Well, this is the first time in my life I've signed up for a gym. In high school I was a "runner," in college I would walk across campus to go to the gym, but that was easy- it was free and it was close and I could go with my friends and roommates. What's not to love? After college, I would run and exercise whenever I could on the quiet, peaceful trail near my house. I also got more into yoga and would go as much as I could. I became obsessed with yoga- everything about it was positive and made me feel good. I loved the spiritual side of it, the relaxation of it, but I also felt it was a great workout and detox after spending 8 hours a day with hormonal teenagers. However, six weeks ago I moved into a new apartment and I'm farther away fo...