Get Up, Get Out, and Get Somethin'!
This morning I decided to wake up my brain cells and my blog and bring it back to life. This blog acted as my therapy and comfort zone for so long, my "feel good go-to spot" whenever I needed some motivation. I've been on a hiatus it seems and it's time to give it some lovin' again. The hardest thing about keeping a blog, I think, is to find new topics to write about that will keep my readers coming back for more. I always seem to resort back to the same general ideas; inspiration, motivation, positivity, etc. I tend to rave about my girlfriends and my family, and I usually include a quote or two containing someone else's wise words between the quotation marks. I find it hard to make a blog post humorous; my sense of humor only comes out best when I'm around my friends, and I don't have any awe-inspiring stories of my own to share either. But for some reason when I sat down here this morning, a song popped into my head. Not a song I've even listene...