Every New Beginning

As a lover of other people's words of wisdom, I often find quotes that I can relate to or connect to my daily life. I try to share special quotes that remind me of certain people, or provide comforting quotes to loved ones in need. Before I started my new teaching job back in November I searched and searched for the perfect quote to share with my students on our first day together. Once I found the wise words of Henry Ford, I knew these were the ones: "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." This was perfect. We were just beginning mid-year, and simply by keeping together, the learning, teaching, and understanding was being progressed. My dedicated students that stuck it out for the remainder of the year and who worked well became successful. As I sit here now and grade final essays, I suddenly realize that I have 5 days left with my students. It's fun to count down the days until summer vacation with the knowle...