"Miss, I brought you birds."
My students are really beginning to grow on me. It's been a steady climb, I feel, since my first day. I'm feeling like a better teacher with a little bit more knowledge in my head each day, and it's obvious that they are starting to feel more comfortable in my class as well. There was one slight downfall last week, we hit a brick wall if you will. Since then though, I do see an improvement. We've climbed over the wall and are now stronger because of the climb. It's amazing how things fluctuate between weeks and even days. A few times I have been on the verge of tears, wanting to just rush home and hide from my kids in my bed. But more often I find myself laughing, I notice more students just stopping in to say hi and share stories with me, or ask to come to my room during lunch. I even hear them say, "no keep reading!" when I tell them that's all we have time for. My students aren't the only ones in the room who are learning. I've learned ple...