Curly Q's

It's been a while. Hello, blog. You keep me sane yet somehow I manage to ignore you. I apologize. What is it about the written word that I find so attractive? When some people can use such a grand vocabulary and others can speak so eloquently, I find it easiest to speak in my average voice with average words, but I prefer to put them on paper. Is that because I like my handwriting? Of all things to be complemented on in my lifetime, my handwriting is one that I hear the most often. One of my most favorite compliments of all time came in creative writing class during junior year of high school- "Your handwriting should be a font on the computer." I feel as though I was born to be a teacher just because I create my letters the correct way; they reach from headline to baseline when necessary and even dip into the basement when needed. Many people have wonderful handwriting, but not that can be easily read by a child. Our squiggles and dots and lines come together in a wa...