
Showing posts from February, 2012

Fight or Flight

It seems as though I have taken a long enough hiatus from my beloved blog and I am so enthralled to be back on here, unleashing the thoughts in my mind, that I am at a loss of where to begin. I will allow my fingertips to mix with my keyboard and let's see what happens. In human nature it is often most common to focus on other people's flaws and the negativity in our lives- whether day to day or in the long run, it comes easier to look at things with the half glass empty mentality. I have even noticed myself lacking that so overly positive, confident, and faithful outlook I held on to so tightly. It's not gone, it's just hidden under the busy day to day activities and life of the average 20-something. I am making a conscious effort to get back to where I was with a better ability to self-reflect more often on the things in my life that are going well and those that are not. It seems as though I have been overly emotional towards many things in my life recently...