New York, New York

After a lovely weekend away with some of my closest friends this weekend, I have realized my time living in New York is limited. And for the better. New York City has always been attractive to me. It has always made me determined, envious, loyal, and yet rushed. The big apple is perhaps the biggest and most richly populated city in the entire world, people from all over dream of visiting, living in, and experiencing New York. But the city that never sleeps is just that- it's always on the go. It's always rushing, and while rushing it's keeping it's head down and keeping to itself. The city never sleeps nor do the people that call it home. This might be because of the airplanes taking off every few minutes, loud to those Queens and Long Island natives lucky enough to be located near the two main airports. Or, maybe we don't sleep because there are always sirens, always car horns, there is always loud music, and on certain nights, don't forget the garbage trucks....