New York. Boston. Washington DC. Dallas. All noble cities, all taking something away from me- my best friends. College may have been the fastest four years of my life. I remember move in day back in 2005. I had lots of roommates to meet, lots of packing and repacking and unpacking to do, I had to get organized and get the wrinkles out of my clothes. But as vivid as that day was, meeting all the blonde girls surrounding me and sharing awkward hellos, my graduation day is more fresh in my mind. Four years later, on a gray day where the clouds hung ominously, I laughed and cried and thought about the future of myself and of my friends. Would we stay close? Would we stay in touch? Would future graduate assistant positions keep us together for longer? I was unsure of what was in store. Two years later it's that time of year again. Back in school and back to thinking how fast time goes by. My graduate assistantship did keep me in New York with friends and closer to other people. I was ...