Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie Bradshaw is my inspiration for beginning this blog. I don't like using the word "blog" because then I feel like I categorize myself as one of those oddly unique people who has a deep dark side to them (or something like that) but really it's just because I like to write and I can't find a pretty green background on Microsoft Word. Anyway, I'm not sure that I totally LOVE Sex and the City, I mean, great show, but sometimes it's so completely not in my direction or thought process that I can't even relate to it. Although every group of friends tries to find their own Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and even Samantha. Every group of friends tries to emulate the classy and fabulous lifestyle of living in NYC and drinking cosmos every night which to be completely honest I've never even had one. And I'd be too nervous to steer away from my drink of choice to try one. Within the show there is very little that I can relate to. Even though I have li...